Something New

We all know that I love shoes {I blog about it, it's officially common knowledge}. However, since I have started blogging, I noticed that if I posted everyday, and did a shoe picture, I would run out of shoes within 28 days, and then my blog would be not about shoes, but about me wanting new shoes {which could work out to my advantage...} 

So, Jason, and my brother came up with a brilliant idea. 
Other people have cool shoes, why not post up their shoe pictures?

I liked the idea {so I put a ring on it...figuratively}. I made up these business cards, and I am going to start looking for other people who have amazing taste in shoes, then I'll take some pictures and post them up here for you all to see. 

Let me know what you guys think of this idea!
If you think your shoes are amazing send me a picture, write a spiel {if you want} I'd love to see what you guys have!

p.s. I think I'll call it "I spy" {lame? cool? totally unoriginal? let me know!}

Rebekah AnneComment