The British are coming

White shirt: Down East Outfitters, Pink Shirt: The Love Capades Band, Vest: made
by my mom, Jeans: AE, Boots: Macy's

I'll be honest, I took these photos right after St. Patrick's Day and never got around to posting them. I am happy to say there is no longer snow on the ground! Life has been crazy busy! I got a promotion at work and starting today I am the Managing Editor for the BYU-Idaho Scroll. If you aren't familiar with newspaper positions {and I don't blame you!} that means I am in charge of the front and back pages of our weekly newspaper and I am in charge of making sure the layouts look good and follow the rules. If you go to BYUI and aren't impressed with the front page I sincerely apologize, I'm so scared for this new position! Hopefully I'm better at it than I think I am!

ps. the band that is on my shirt is awesome! Check them out!